Sunday, August 19, 2012

How long will he cry?!? (6 Weeks Old)

Holy Moly where has the time gone?  It really feels like just yesterday when I heard his cry for the very first time, the nurses told me he weighed 8 lbs 13.1 oz and was 22 in long. 

Now he is 12 lbs 2 oz and won't hold still long enough to get his height!  And I am not stupid enough to try while he is sleeping and wake him up because naptime is the best time in our house right now.  

He also will cry and cry and cry (no it's not colic, I just hate watching/hearing him cry, it makes me think he is in pain) sometimes for reasons unknown and other times because he is mad, or bored, or hungry or tired.  And he has this certain funny cry when he is gassy or has pooped.   But over the last 2 weeks he has master this ultra high-pitched scream that I swear if they were out of my cabinet would shatter my wine glasses.  And as I continue to read we just have to ride it out because crying will peek at around 6 weeks (roughly 3 hours a day) and then begin to be less and less reaching it's lowest at 12 weeks.

Boy have things changed even just in the last 2 weeks. 

Clothing Size:  We will forever be out of 0-3 months clothing.  I got him dressed today into a pair of 3 month shorts and it was all too obvious they were too small.  So I guess it is time to pack all of it up. :(

Diaper Size:  Once this pack of size 1 diapers is gone we will be switching to size 2 diapers.

Feeding:  He is really trying to cluster feed.  But Mommy has the best of him, I strip him naked, change his diaper and get him to eat a good amount.  He is now sucking down 4-6 oz every 2 1/2-4 hours.

Sleep:  He is a monster without his afternoon nap!  He will usually sleep from 1 or 2 in the afternoon until about 5pm.  Without this nap you better be ready for an all afternoon scream session.  And even with this nap and a cat nap in the evening he will sleep from about 11pm until usually 4 or 5 am.

Milestones:   He is really holding his head like a champ.  He can supported sit holding his head for about 5 minutes.  And he is able to push up with his arms during tummy time for about 1 minute.  

Loves:  He loves sleep, eating, and snuggling.  He also really does love his Boppy although I can never get a picture of him happy in it.

Dislikes:  Alex has started to develop a very slight flat spot.  It is very slight.  So based on instruction from our doctor we are increasing tummy time, keeping him off of that side as much as possible, and monitoring it daily.  He told us if it gets worse or changes to bring him in immediately.  He does not like not being able to lay on his right side as much as he likes.
Adventures:  Nothing too out of the ordinary.  Just back and forth to Grandma's, once to the ice cream shop,  once to Red Lobster, and once to take a walk at the park with Aunt Becky.  Mommy has gone back to work in the last 2 weeks also so he even had a stay at home night with his God Mommy!

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without:  The help of our families.  Chris and I are both working now, and it would not be possible without their help.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

One Month Old!!

I can't believe we have hot this milestone already!!!

The past month has completely flown by and I am not ready to say my sweet baby boy is already one month old!

Chris and I have jumped head first into parenthood and have loved every minute of it.  We have gotten to the point where we both feel like we never understood how much our parents loved us until we experienced that kind of love ourselves.  I sit every night and stare at my sweet boy sleeping in my arms and cannot imagine life without him.

Weight: 10 lbs 10 oz

Height: 22 1/4 inches long

Clothing Size: Mostly 0-3 months but some of those are already becoming too small.  :(  So we have begun integrating 3-6 months.

Diaper Size: 1

Feeding: He is taking 4-5 oz every 3-4 hours sometimes we have a 5 hour span! He is on formula (Enfamil Infant), we tried breast feeding, but my milk production just about stopped at 2 weeks.

Sleep:  He usually goes to sleep after his feeding at 9 or 10pm then sleeps until about 1am.  After that we are usually all sleeping until about 530 or 6am.  He prefers to sleep on his right side or his belly.  He also LOVES to snuggle.  He slept for the majority of the night in his crib last night.

Milestones: Alex is VERY alert! He is getting much better at holding his head up while he is getting burped.  He absolutely hates tummy time (on a mat) so we have resulted to having tummy time on one of our chests.He is beginning to track items and more frequently turn towards sounds. 

Loves: Baths or showers, music, lights, cuddling with Mommy or Daddy, car rides and walks in the stroller.

Dislikes: Tummy time, gas bubbles and constipation.

Adventures:  We have been a lot of places since he was born.  He has had 2 doctors visits, been to both Grandparents homes, the grocery a few times and to the shopping mall today. He was baptized on 8/5/12.

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without:  Formula, Mylacon drops, AC (he is a hot box), and his swing.