Saturday, November 21, 2015

God's Plan

A little over a year ago Chris and I began to attend a new church.  Now we were "religious" people prior to finding this church but neither of us truly had the relationship with Christ or each other that we desired.  Through attending our new church and participating in fellowship with others Chris and I have both been saved, baptized and have developed a new and renewed relationship with Christ and have found the loving relationship with each other we had at the start of our relationship. 

God's grace has been an abundant blessing in our lives and I love that I get to use my little corner of the interwebs to share that with you.

Chris and I have been through it over the last couple of years if I am to be completely honest.  There were plenty of days when I laid down at night and thought, why on earth would a God who "loves us" so much put us through this?  Why would he repeatedly bring us tough times day after day?

It wasn't until a few months in on my new journey with Christ that he led me during a devotional to the verse John 13:7  

Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”

Woah, if that wasn't a blatant sign I don't know what else could be.  Though I was walking this new journey I can't say there weren't days that it wasn't easy to fully put my trust in God for him to guide my path.  There are still days I need to remind myself of this verse and let go of everything, place it in His hands and trust He will take me where I need to go and get me there on His time.

Sometimes our journey's take us through trials and tribulations that make us question God's existence or presence in our lives.  Through much prayer I have found that these are the times when you need to lean into Him even more and also lean onto fellow followers in Christ who can help you to get back onto God's path for your life or to help you see his purpose for these tough times.

 I can't even begin to explain the life change Chris and I have experienced once we placed our full trust in God.  It's an incredible feeling to not feel the need to worry about any situation He may place in front of you.

I encourage you if you have not placed your full trust in God and have questions please leave a comment below.  I am no expert and I am still a growing Christian and I am learning more about God's grace and mercy daily but would love to connect you with someone who can help you with any question you may have. 

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