Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Trust Me Tuesday's Christmas Edition

Christmas Edition

My favorite time of the year is by far Christmas!  I just feel it brings everyone together and puts them in an overall happy mood in spite of the gloomy weather.  

Now most people go all out at Christmas time, between the decorations and gifts, they devote everything to Christmas.

I must admit I do go all out with decorating.  I have scaled back a little this year in order to get a "theme" under way.  But here is my thought on gifting.


Every year I sit down and make a list of the people we would like to get gifts for.  It seems that each year the list gets longer and longer and the money in the back is less and less.

I have become more and more aware that for most adults, it means so much more to them if you make it!  Kids on the other hand are more about quantity.  So for them I try to wrap each individual gift so it looks like a lot.  

This year I handmade or added my own personal touches to 75% of the gifts under our tree.  

I believe all in all I have spent roughly $100 thus far.  Now I have yet to purchase anything for Chris but we have agreed to wait until after Christmas when we have some of our bills caught up before we buy our gifts for eachother. 

And as far as Alex goes, when I make something or buy something for him I typically just give it to him.  A couple of months ago we joined the Disney Movie Club and just purchase movies for him as time goes along and we said then that would be his Christmas gift.  But I have purchased two things and put them under the tree and a few movies and day to day needs in his stocking.  

I just can't justify saving the things I have purchased for him at this point when a.) he won't remember it (other than the photos I will take) and b.)  so many other people have bought him such great gifts and he will be thoroughly overwhelmed with toys and such.  

So this year as guilty as it makes me I will be that mom that gave her child everything she bought him before Christmas.  **Apart from a few things.** 

But through this jumble of words all I am trying to get across it that you do not need to blow your budget on Christmas and then when you take the time to think things through and hand make something it will mean that much more.

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