Sunday, August 25, 2013

52 Weeks of Blogging: I said I would never...

So as you know it is Monday so I am doing another link up with Becky from over at From Mrs. to Mama.  She started a great idea this year with one guided post each and every Monday and I have had so much fun participating so far.  This week the topic is I said I would never....

I am interpreting this to mean that these are things I had always said I would never do as a mom, but for one reason or another I went back on my word.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Meet The Hubs

On this Fantastic Friday I thought I would do something similar to Joanna from Running On Sunshine.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Build Your Life

Back when I was in middle school I reached a conclusion about life, I didn't fully grasp it at that point but as I have gotten older I have begun to understand it more.

Growing up I went to a school that was very "clique'ish."  When my family moved there, I was in the 6th grade, and I was very "late to the party" if that makes any sense.  Now I am not saying I was unable to make friends, but in order to make friends without changing myself a little and kind of adapting to my environment.

Monday, August 19, 2013

52 Weeks of Blogging: 10 Survival Tips to the Expectant Mom

Hey everyone, so I am back to do another link up with Becky at From Mrs. To Mama.  This week the topic is 10 Survival Tips to the Expectant Mom.

Now I am  no stranger to babies.  As you read last week I have a brother and sister who are both significantly younger than I am so I remember them growing up and watching some of the things my mom bought and did when they were newborns.  But another little interesting bit about me is that my nursing education helped me to prepare for the arrival of Alex as well.   So when I was pregnant with Alex I kind of took all of that into account and made a list of my own.

Now I am going to share some of it with you all and add a few from my own experiences!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

52 Weeks of Blogging: My Goals for Motherhood

Like I said yesterday I am beyond thrilled to be blogging once more, however I am even more excited to be able to participate in the link-up Becky at From Mrs. To Mama is hosting.

This week the topic to pic from is Goals for Motherhood. 

So after thinking long and hard about this topic here are my goals.

Monday, August 12, 2013

I'm Back & An Update on Alex!

I am sure you're thinking...

"she's said that before," or "Yeah, Yeah."

But I truly mean it this time.