Tuesday, May 15, 2012

32 Weeks Pregnant

How Far Along Today?:  Today I am 32 weeks and 3 days.
Growing?: OH YES!! Alex is an estimated 5 lbs and 6 oz which is the size of an average 36 weeks baby.  He is also in the 90th percentile for his age.  
Best Moment of the Week?:  Seeing Alex on the ultrasound, that he looks like his Daddy on the ultrasound and also the baby shower with my Dad's family and Chris's family.
Cravings:  Not really but my combinations have been quite the "preggo" diet as I am told.  We have however changed our diet in the last week and I must say Alex loves it.  We are eating leaner and cleaner, little to no red meat, and very low amounts of dairy for me and none for Chris.  It is hard but I must say very tasty.
Baby Moving Yet?:  We found out for sure he is head down and I believe he may have dropped or be snuggling more and more into my pelvis.  All of a sudden I have been having a lot more pressure on my crotch and have to pee all the time.  It kind of feels like I have a bowling ball sitting on my hoo-hah!
Still Nauseous?:  Nope not at all this week.
Belly Button Popped?: It is getting more and more shallow but it definitely is still a HUGE canyon.
Wedding Rings on or off?: Off.  I have just decided to wear my wedding rings on a necklace. 
Mood:  Nesting like crazy.  We got most of the stuff from the baby shower washed and put away.  We have the cradle in our room completely put together.  We love it and cannot wait!!
Gender:  IT'S A BOY!!!

My mom's parents made this cradle over 30 years ago.  Almost each of their grandchildren have slept in it in their first weeks of life, including me.  I was the 10th grandchild and now Alex will be the 10th great grandchild.  

This cute blanket is from your Daddy.  He gave it to me for our anniversary this year.  I cannot wait to snuggle you in it!!

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