Monday, January 11, 2016

Our Mommy & Son Date to Barnes & Noble

The other night Alex and I had a super fun date night.  Alex has been loving reading books lately, wanting us to read 5-6 books a night before he goes to sleep.  Now if you know me I hate reading the same thing over and over again so I thought we would take a trip to the bookstore.

Now when I was growing up I was an avid reader, I would be up into all hours of the night reading just to read "one more chapter."  But something in me changed after I had Alex and now I can't keep my eyes open for more than 10 pages in a book.  But one thing I have noticed while looking for a bookstore is that there are less than half of the bookstores in our city than there used to be.  That was super depressing for me!  When we would go to the mall my mom would drop me off at the bookstore and come check on me between each store she needed to go to and I loved it.  There are even less libraries than there used to be. 

SOOO Alex and I set out to the bookstore which was about a 20 minute drive from our house and all the while Alex was so excited and talking about all the different kinds of books he wanted.  He wanted a "Star Wars book, a stinky face book, a truck book, a light saber book, a colors book and a Minions book."  I had no idea he would be so excited about books.  Until about 2 or 3 weeks ago Alex absolutely hated reading, Chris and I would sit down to read with him every night and and about 2 pages in Alex would shut the book and say, "All done."

I am loving this stage he is in and I hope it continues for a long time.  So many of my childhood memories revolve around books and playing outside.  I had a super avid imagination and I brought my characters to life, and I would play outside for hours.  So I have made a few resolutions for Alex this year.

1. Start going to story time at the library.

2.  Spend at least 30 minutes outside everyday, no matter the weather.  He can play on the porch or in the garage.

3.  Make one major outing a week, to the zoo, the museum center or the bounce house.
I am so excited for Mommy & Son dates!

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